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VB.NET String
Illustrates using String Properties and String Methods.
Example Class:
Public Class clsString Public Sub Main() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #1: StartsWith(string) ' Example #2: EndsWith(string) ' Example #3: IndexOf(string[, startIndex][,count]) ' Example #4: LastIndexOf(string[, startIndex][,count]) ' Example #5: Insert(startIndex, string) ' Example #6: PadLeft(totalWidth [, paddingCharacter]) ' Example #7: PadRight(totalWidth [, paddingCharacter]) ' Example #8: Remove(startIndex, count) ' Example #9: Replace(oldString, newString) ' Example #10: Substring(startIndex[, length]) ' Example #11: ToLower ' Example #12: ToUpper ' Example #13: Trim ' Example #14: Length ' Example #15: Chars(index) '**************************************************************************************** '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #1: StartsWith(string) ' Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the string starts with the specified string. '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #1: StartsWith(string) ") Dim strStartsWithExample As String = "This is a test string" Console.WriteLine(strStartsWithExample.StartsWith("This")) 'Returns True 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #2: EndsWith(string) ' Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the string ends with the specified string. '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #2: EndsWith(string) ") Dim strEndsWithExample As String = "This is a test string" Console.WriteLine(strEndsWithExample.EndsWith("string")) 'Returns True 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #3: IndexOf(string[, startIndex][,count]) ' Returns an integer that represents the position of the first occurrence of the ' specified number of characters. If you specify startIndex, that specifies ' where to start looking. If you specify count, that specifies how many characters to ' to search past start. If the string is not found, this method returns -1 '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #3: IndexOf(string[, startIndex][,count]) ") Dim strIndexOfExample As String = "This is a test string" Console.WriteLine(strIndexOfExample.IndexOf("is")) 'Returns 2 Console.WriteLine(strIndexOfExample.IndexOf("xyz")) 'Returns -1 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #4: LastIndexOf(string[, startIndex][,count]) ' Returns an integer that represents the position of the last occurrence of the ' specified number of characters. If you specify startIndex, that specifies ' where to start looking. If you specify count, that specifies how many characters to ' to search past start. If the string is not found, this method returns -1 '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #4: LastIndexOf(string[, startIndex][,count]) ") Dim strLastIndexOfExample As String = "This is a test string" Console.WriteLine(strLastIndexOfExample.LastIndexOf("is")) 'Returns 5 Console.WriteLine(strLastIndexOfExample.LastIndexOf("xyz")) 'Returns -1 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #5: Insert(startIndex, string) ' Returns a string with the specified string inserted beginning at the specified position. '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #5: Insert(startIndex, string) ") Dim strInsertExample As String = "This is a test string" Dim intIndex As Integer = 0 ' First find position of word test intIndex = strInsertExample.IndexOf("test") ' Insert "simple" before "test" Console.WriteLine(strInsertExample.Insert(intIndex, "simple ")) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #6: PadLeft(totalWidth [, paddingCharacter]) ' Returns a string that is right-aligned and padded on left with character specified. ' If no padddingCharacter is specified, space is used. totalWidth is total width of column ' This allows you to create a nice straight column even though lengths of text vary. '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #6: PadLeft(totalWidth [, paddingCharacter]) ") Dim strPadLeftExampleA As String = "This is a test string" Dim strPadLeftExampleB As String = "short" Dim strPadLeftExampleC As String = "longer" ' PadLeft "simple" before "test" Console.WriteLine(strPadLeftExampleA.PadLeft(35)) Console.WriteLine(strPadLeftExampleB.PadLeft(35)) Console.WriteLine(strPadLeftExampleC.PadLeft(35)) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #7: PadRight(totalWidth [, paddingCharacter]) ' Returns a string that is left-aligned and padded on right with character specified. ' If no padddingCharacter is specified, space is used. totalWidth is total width of column ' This allows you to create a nice straight column even though lengths of text vary. '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #7: PadRight(totalWidth [, paddingCharacter]) ") Dim strPadRightExampleA As String = "This is a test string" Dim strPadRightExampleB As String = "short" Dim strPadRightExampleC As String = "longer" ' PadRight "simple" before "test" Console.WriteLine(strPadRightExampleA.PadRight(35) + "next column starts here") Console.WriteLine(strPadRightExampleB.PadRight(35) + "next column starts here") Console.WriteLine(strPadRightExampleC.PadRight(35) + "next column starts here") 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #8: Remove(startIndex, count) ' Returns a string with the specified number of characters removed starting at startIndex. ' If no Count is specified, the remainder of string is removed '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #8: Remove(startIndex, count) ") Dim strRemoveExample As String = "This is a test string" Dim intIndexRemove As Integer = 0 ' First find position of word test intIndexRemove = strRemoveExample.IndexOf("test") ' Remove rest of string starting with word "test" Console.WriteLine(strRemoveExample.Remove(intIndex)) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #9: Replace(oldString, newString) ' Returns a string with all occurences of oldString replaced by newString '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #9: Replace(oldString, newString) ") Dim strReplaceExample As String = "This is a test string" ' Replace "This" with "That" Console.WriteLine(strReplaceExample.Replace("This", "That")) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #10: Substring(startIndex[, length]) ' Returns the string that starts at the specified position and has the specified ' length. If the length is not specified, all of the characters to the end are returned. '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #10: Substring(startIndex[, length]) ") Dim strSubstringExample As String = "This is a test string" Dim intIndexSubstring As Integer = 0 ' First find position of word test intIndexSubstring = strRemoveExample.IndexOf("test") ' Get everything starting at "test" to end of string Console.WriteLine(strSubstringExample.Substring(intIndexSubstring)) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #11: ToLower ' Returns the string in Lowercase '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #11: ToLower") Dim strToLowerExample As String = "This is a test string" ' Return Lowercase Console.WriteLine(strToLowerExample.ToLower) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #12: ToUpper ' Returns the string in Uppercase '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #12: ToUpper ") Dim strToUpperExample As String = "This is a test string" ' Return Uppercase Console.WriteLine(strToUpperExample.ToUpper) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #13: Trim ' Returns the string with leading and trailing spaces removed '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #13: Trim ") Dim strTrimExample As String = " ABC " ' Return Uppercase Console.WriteLine(strTrimExample.Trim.Length) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #14: Length ' Returns the string with leading and trailing spaces removed '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #14: Length ") Dim strLengthExample As String = " ABC " ' Return Uppercase Console.WriteLine(strLengthExample.Length) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() '**************************************************************************************** ' Example #15: Chars(index) ' Gets the character at the specified index '**************************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine("Example #15: Chars(index) ") Dim strCharsExample As String = "ABC" ' Return Uppercase Console.WriteLine(strCharsExample.Chars(1)) 'write blank line to make output easier to read Console.WriteLine() 'Prevent console from closing before you press enter Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Class
Example Module:
Module Module1 Sub Main() '***** Language-Basics ************* Dim myString As New clsString myString.Main() End Sub End Module
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