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10 Practical Techniques to Power Your Visual C++ Apps10 Practical Techniques to Power Your Visual C++ Apps12/10/2013Kenny Kerr 434
Accelerated Introduction to C++Accelerated Introduction to C++10/29/2014Dmitri Nesteruk 317
Building Context-Menu Shell Extensions in C++Building Context-Menu Shell Extensions in C++11/1/2013Giovanni Dicanio 168
C Programming Language FundamentalsC Programming Language Fundamentals9/4/2012Kenny Kerr 86
C++ Advanced TopicsC++ Advanced Topics3/8/2012Kate Gregory 346
C++ FundamentalsC++ Fundamentals9/13/2011Kate Gregory 424
C++ Fundamentals - Part 2C++ Fundamentals - Part 212/14/2011Kate Gregory 175
C++ Language Changes in the VS 2013 PreviewC++ Language Changes in the VS 2013 Preview8/22/2013Kate Gregory 132
C++11 Language FeaturesC++11 Language Features11/13/2013Alex Korban 202
Direct2D FundamentalsDirect2D Fundamentals11/29/2012Kenny Kerr 205
Direct2D Fundamentals - Part 2Direct2D Fundamentals - Part 22/15/2013Kenny Kerr 195
DirectComposition in ActionDirectComposition in Action5/24/2014Kenny Kerr 252
Getting Started With CinderGetting Started With Cinder11/14/2014Giovanni Dicanio 422
High-performance Computing in C++High-performance Computing in C++9/17/2015Dmitri Nesteruk 244
Integrating Qt Quick with C++Integrating Qt Quick with C++2/4/2015Tod Gentille 193
Introduction to DIntroduction to D4/11/2014Dmitri Nesteruk 304
Introduction to Qt: A C++ Cross Platform Application FrameworkIntroduction to Qt: A C++ Cross Platform Application Framework5/30/2014Tod Gentille 260
Introduction to the Boost C++ LibrariesIntroduction to the Boost C++ Libraries6/11/2014Dmitri Nesteruk 177
Modern C++ ConcurrencyModern C++ Concurrency10/15/2013Kenny Kerr 273
Modern C++ LibrariesModern C++ Libraries8/28/2013Kenny Kerr 242
Parallel Computing with CUDAParallel Computing with CUDA10/3/2013Dmitri Nesteruk 253
Play by Play: Modernizing C++ Code with Kate GregoryPlay by Play: Modernizing C++ Code with Kate Gregory8/4/2014Geoffrey Grosenbach 90
Qt Quick FundamentalsQt Quick Fundamentals10/24/2014Tod Gentille 270
SQLite with Modern C++SQLite with Modern C++2/18/2015Kenny Kerr 153
The C Programming Language in ActionThe C Programming Language in Action3/10/2014Kenny Kerr 253
The Essentials of COMThe Essentials of COM5/14/2013Kenny Kerr 182
The Essentials of COM - Part 2The Essentials of COM - Part 27/12/2013Kenny Kerr 221
The Essentials of the Windows RuntimeThe Essentials of the Windows Runtime9/2/2014Kenny Kerr 168
What's New for C++ Developers in Visual Studio 2015 PreviewWhat's New for C++ Developers in Visual Studio 2015 Preview3/26/2015Kate Gregory 110
Windows Runtime InternalsWindows Runtime Internals7/30/2015Kenny Kerr 161
   Total 6912