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Take Swift, Intelligent, Massive, Planned, Loving, Effective (S.I.M.P.L.E.) Action to Transform Self into Ideal

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CAD Documentation

Creating Section Drawings in RevitCreating Section Drawings in Revit2/22/2014Pierre Derenoncourt 46
Creating Title Blocks in RevitCreating Title Blocks in Revit9/12/2013Pierre Derenoncourt 28
Designing and Documenting a Building in RevitDesigning and Documenting a Building in Revit9/12/2013Craig Barbieri 227
Designing Electrical Circuits in RevitDesigning Electrical Circuits in Revit3/27/2014Pierre Derenoncourt 49
Using Schedules for Material Cost Estimation in RevitUsing Schedules for Material Cost Estimation in Revit11/4/2013Pierre Derenoncourt 49
Working with DWG Files in RevitWorking with DWG Files in Revit1/14/2014Pierre Derenoncourt 28
Working with Sheets in RevitWorking with Sheets in Revit12/9/2013Pierre Derenoncourt 41
   Total 468